Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Get Rid of Indigestion


Indigestion is a common problem experienced by many people usually after eating a meal. It is usually used to describe an upset stomach, commonly associated with excessive food intake. However, it is important to note that indigestion is not a disease itself. Rather, it refers to a set of symptoms which includes bloating, heartburn and nausea. You may also suffer from indigestion even if you haven’t eaten much.

Fortunately, you can get rid of indigestion just by practicing healthy lifestyle choices.

What Causes Indigestion?

Source: Ohmega1982, via
A lot of things can induce indigestion. Some of the most common causes of indigestion include overeating, eating fatty and spicy foods, eating too quickly, excessive alcohol and caffeine intake, smoking, and stress. In some cases, certain medications that upset the stomach such as aspirin and antibiotics can be the cause of indigestion. Indigestion can also be a symptom of an underlying medical disease, in which case a visit to the doctor is highly recommended.

How to Get Rid of Indigestion Fast

1. Try peppermint.

If you are looking for a home remedy for indigestion, then here’s one for you. Peppermint has been used for years to soothe an upset stomach. It helps indigestion by calming the muscles of the stomach, allowing food to pass through the stomach more quickly and easily. You can mix some peppermint with an herbal tea and drink it after each meal.

2. Use antacids.

There are also over-the-counter medications that can help you get rid of indigestion fast. Antacids work by neutralizing the acids in your stomach. Be cautious though as they can have side effects such as constipation and diarrhea.

3. Avoid triggers.

As mentioned above, a lot of things can be responsible for your indigestion. Keeping a diary where you can write the possible triggers of your indigestion can help you identify the root cause. Take note of the things you ate and the activities you did before and after eating a meal. Once you are able to determine the culprit, change the bad habit to prevent indigestion in the future.

4. Eat smaller meals.

Many cases of indigestion are due to overeating. You can get rid of indigestion simply by changing your eating habits. Instead of eating the usual three large meals, try to divide your meals into six smaller ones. This will greatly reduce the work your stomach needs to do. Also, avoid eating too fast and talking during meals. Such activities cause you to swallow air which can lead to indigestion.

5. Exercise.

You might be wondering how exercise can help treat indigestion. The answer is quite simple: Exercising regularly promotes better digestion and helps you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn leads to less pressure in your abdomen. It is recommended to exercise before eating or one hour after a meal.

6. Eliminate stress.

It may not seem likely but stress can aggravate indigestion. If you are stressed out, your body produces excess bile, which may overload the small intestine and consequently reflux back towards the stomach. Managing stress may be all you need to get rid of indigestion. It is recommended to practice relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to Get Rid of Sore Muscles

Muscle Pain

After a busy week at work, nothing is more enjoyable than playing your favorite sport or hitting the gym for your workout routine. Your weekend just wouldn’t seem complete without having some form of exercise. But come Monday, you wake up with muscle soreness and you can’t imagine going to work feeling like every move you make causes pain. Sound familiar?

Sore muscles are extremely common especially for those who engage in strenuous activities. Probably most of us have experienced feeling sore at some point, and the troubles it brings are just down right annoying. Many just wait it out and try to ignore the pain, but that wouldn’t work every time. To help you get back to your 100 percent condition, here are tips on how to get rid of sore muscles.

What Causes Muscle Soreness?

Source: sixninepixels, via
When you perform an exercise - be it weightlifting, running, etc. - you shock your muscles by the amount of work you put in. For example, if you are just used to jogging and suddenly decided to give running a try, your muscles work harder and try to adapt to the work you exerted. This results to tears in the muscle fibers which causes inflammation.

How to Get Rid of Sore Muscles Fast

1. Rest.

This may sound common sense but everyone would benefit from a little reminder. The best way to relieve sore muscles is to have sufficient rest. Delayed onset muscle soreness usually goes away on its own after 5-7 days, provided that you rest properly.

2. Use a little heat.

For fast relief, you can try applying heat to the sore muscles to reduce the pain. This can be as simple as taking a warm shower or putting a warm towel over your muscles. Heat helps relax stiff muscles and improve circulation.

3. Apply an ice pack.

Ice packs have been used by professional athletes for years because of one simple reason: It works. Right after feeling sore, grab an ice pack and apply it on your sore muscles. Remember that ice application becomes less effective as time passes so do it within 48 hours to relieve sore muscles.

4. Take anti-inflammatories.

Anti-inflammatory medications will help you relieve discomfort but wouldn’t help in shortening the recovery time your muscles need to heal. If you can’t stand the pain, you can take acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Just remember not to overuse these drugs as it can affect your muscles’ ability to heal on their own.

5. Do some stretching.

Some people limit stretching to their pre-workout routine. But stretching could actually be better performed after your workout. Try warming up before you perform your routine then save the stretching later. While some say that stretching does not help in any way with muscle soreness, some swear that it actually helps them. Do some gentle stretching and see if it helps you get rid of sore muscles from working out.

6. Perform light exercises.

If you have sore muscles, the last thing on your mind might be getting up and doing some exercise. But performing light exercises can actually help treat sore muscles. This also does not contradict with the number one tip. The key is to choose your exercises carefully and avoid strenuous activities. Some great choices include jogging, swimming, and yoga. These exercises improve blood flow and warm up your muscles.

7. Visit your doctor.

If you have tried the tips above but continue to struggle to get rid of sore muscles, consider consulting your doctor. You might not know it but you might be suffering from a more serious injury. If the pain is still there after 2 weeks, visit your doctor immediately. Only an expert can tell if you have an injury and recommend the right treatment for you.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to Get Rid of Mono


Have you ever experienced going home from work or school and feeling unusually tired even if you haven’t done anything particularly exhausting? What’s worse is if your strange fatigue is accompanied by fever, sore throat, and headache. These are telltale signs that you are suffering from mono, or infectious mononucleosis. Many cases of mono are seen in teens and young adults, although the Epstein-Barr virus, the virus that causes mono, is usually acquired in childhood.

Mono can leave you feeling tired and weak for weeks, even if the other symptoms are gone. There is no real cure for mono. It usually goes away on its own after a couple of weeks. But there are some things you can do to feel better and ease discomfort. Here are some suggestions on how to get rid of mono.


What Causes Mono?

James Heilman, MD, via Wikimedia Commons
Mono is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EPV). You can get the virus when you kiss another infected person, which is why mono is sometimes called the kissing disease. Sharing personal items such as toothbrushes, utensils, and drinking glasses also increases your risk of acquiring the virus.

Not all people who get the virus suffer from mono. If you have been infected with EPV, the virus will stay in your body for the rest of your life, but the chances of suffering from mono again are slim.


How to Get Rid of Mono at Home

1. Have plenty of rest.

The best way to get rid of mono fast is to give your body a lot of rest. Having adequate rest allows your body to fight the infection. The symptoms of mono are at their worst during the early stages, so make sure you practice good self-care. Do not force yourself to go to work or school and just hit the bed.

2. Stay hydrated.

Your symptoms may worsen if you get dehydrated. Having a high fever, in particular, could deplete the fluids in your body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to reduce the risk of dehydration. You can also opt for fruit juices for much needed vitamins and sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes.

3. Treat secondary infections.

The symptoms of mono may vary from person to person, so it is best to identify the things that cause you discomfort. Among the most common secondary infections include fever and sore throat. You can suck on hard candy or drink tea with honey to ease your sore throat. You can also try gargling with salt water several times a day to get rid of mono sore throat.

4. Take painkillers.

To reduce fever and body aches, you may take painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Take note that these medications do not have antiviral properties, so they can only help relieve mono pain. Also, do not let anybody under the age of 20 to take aspirin as it is linked to a potentially life-threatening disease known as Reye syndrome.

5. Avoid rigorous activities.

Suffering from mono could mean some necessary changes in your daily routine. You may start to feel better after 2 weeks of plenty of rest, but it may not be a good idea to just push through with your hectic schedule. Wait for your doctor to give you the go signal. Until then, avoid engaging in vigorous activities, heavy lifting, contact sports, and the like. Forceful activities could cause your spleen to burst, which is temporarily enlarged when you are suffering from mono. This leads to internal bleeding and requires immediate medical care.


How to Prevent Mono

As with other infections, the key to prevent mono is to avoid sharing personal items and practice basic preventive measures such as washing the hands with soap and water and covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. If your partner suffers from mono, you may also want to resist the temptation to kiss him or her until the symptoms of mono are gone.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of an Ear Infection

Middle Ear Infection

An ear infection is one of the most common reasons why parents bring their child to the doctor. If you notice your child tugging at their ears because of pain and complaining that they cannot hear very well, there’s a good chance that your child has an ear infection. It is important to note that an earache often refers to two types of infection, otitis externa and otitis media. This topic covers otitis media, more commonly known as middle ear infection. Read on and find out how to get rid of an ear infection at home.


What Causes an Ear Infection?

Your ears are connected to your throat through the eustachian tubes. These tubes may be blocked if you suffer from certain illnesses such as cold, the flu or allergy. This makes the tubes swell, causing fluid to get trapped inside the ear. This sets up the perfect environment for bacteria and virus to breed, which then leads to the symptoms of an ear infection. Children are more likely to suffer from an ear infection because their eustachian tubes are smaller and more horizontal, making it more difficult to drain out the fluid buildup.


How to Get Rid of an Ear Infection Fast

1. Use a warm compress.

To ease the pain, place a warm washcloth over your ear. You can also boil water then put it in a bottle and use it in a similar manner.

2. Take over-the-counter medications.

If the warm compress doesn't get the job done, consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce pain. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are two of the most recommended medications. Do not give aspirin to your child as it may cause a serious condition known as Reye’s syndrome.

3. Try eardrops.

Prescription eardrops are also available to help you get rid of an ear infection fast. Make sure to follow the product label carefully. Before using eardrops for your child, consider talking with your doctor to make sure that it wouldn't have any side effect. This procedure should also be administered by a medical professional for patients under 2 years old.

4. Antibiotics.

If the ear infection is caused by bacteria, prescription antibiotics may be necessary to treat ear infection. It is imperative that you strictly follow the instructions of your doctor regarding the intake of antibiotics. Continue using the medications even after the pain is gone; otherwise the infection may come back.

5. Wait it out.

Ear infection usually heals on its own after one to two weeks. If the earache and other symptoms such as impaired hearing do not bother you, you can just wait it out until the symptoms are gone. This isn't advisable, though, if the patient is under 2 years of age or if the ear infection is accompanied by severe ear pain and a discharge of fluid from the ear.

How to Prevent an Ear Infection

·         Prevent catching colds and other illnesses. As mentioned earlier, ear infection is often experienced after suffering from other infections. It is best to teach your child to clean their hands thoroughly, avoid sharing personal items and cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.

·         Bottle-feed the proper way. Many parents make the mistake of letting their baby bottle-feed while the baby is lying down. The proper way is to hold your baby upright. This allows the milk to easily go down the throat.

·         Avoid smoke. Smoke from cigarettes can aggravate an ear infection. Staying in smoke-free environments may be just what you need to get rid of an ear infection. Even secondhand smoke may harm you and your child so stay away from cigarette smoke as much as possible.


Monday, October 7, 2013

How to Get Rid of Morning Sickness | Home Remedies for Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

Ask pregnant women about what trouble them the most during pregnancy and chances are they will all have the same answer: morning sickness. Morning sickness, or nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, is experienced by up to three quarters of pregnant women. And do not be fooled by its name; morning sickness can make its presence felt any time of the day. Many experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy and it gets better from there. However, there are cases when morning sickness can linger throughout pregnancy. The good news is that there are ways to relieve the discomfort and limit the occurrence of morning sickness. Read on and find out how to get rid of morning sickness.

What Causes Morning Sickness?

David Castillo Dominici, via
The exact cause of morning sickness has yet to be fully understood, but many experts believe that the extreme fluctuation of hormone levels is to blame. In particular, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen levels rise rapidly during the early stages of pregnancy and are linked to the symptoms of morning sickness such as dizziness, low blood sugar and upset stomach. Pregnant women are also more sensitive to certain odors which may trigger the gag reflex and induce vomiting.

How to Get Rid of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

1. Eat small, frequent meals.
The first thing to keep in mind when dealing with morning sickness is to make sure your stomach is never empty. Instead of eating the usual three large meals a day, spread your meals into six, smaller meals. This helps with digestion and reduces the burden on your stomach. Choose foods that are easy to digest and those that are high in protein.
2. Try ginger.
One home remedy for morning sickness that a lot of pregnant women swear by is ginger. Ginger has been known as a natural cure for an upset stomach. Be careful though as a lot of ginger ales you find in the supermarket are only artificial. You can also try steeping the ginger root in hot water to make a tea.
3. Use anti-nausea medications.
If morning sickness causes too much trouble, ask your doctor whether or not you can take anti-nausea medications. Your doctor will likely suggest vitamin B6 supplements to help get rid of morning sickness quickly. Just make sure that you talk with your doctor first before taking any medications and follow the recommended dosages very strictly.
4. Grab some crackers.
It is often suggested to pregnant women that they keep simple snacks such as crackers and dry cereal in arms reach. When you wake up in the morning, grab some crackers and nibble a little before jumping out of bed. You can also snack on crackers when you wake up in the middle of the night and feel queasy. This reduces the chances of you suffering from morning sickness when you wake up.
5. Avoid triggers.
An empty stomach isn’t the only thing that triggers morning sickness. Other common triggers include strong odors, fatty and spicy foods, and flickering lights. The triggers vary from person to person so it is best to determine which ones cause your morning sickness. Knowing these triggers may just be all you need to get rid of morning sickness.
6. Stay hydrated.
Vomiting causes you to lose much needed electrolytes. If your morning sickness comes with a lot of vomiting, drink a lot of water or sports drinks containing glucose and potassium. This helps replace the lost electrolytes. Also make sure that you drink plenty of fluid throughout the day. Do not drink too much at one time, especially before meals as this causes you to feel full and consequently eat less.
7. Be careful with prenatal vitamins.
For some pregnant women, morning sickness may be triggered by prenatal vitamins. In such a case, you may try to take your prenatal vitamins before bed or after a snack. If that doesn’t help, talk to your doctor and ask whether there are alternative vitamins you can take with a lower dose of iron, as it may be causing troubles in your digestive system.