Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast

Pink Eye

Pink eye refers to the inflammation of the membrane lining the eye ball and the inner surface of the eye lids. You may have experienced waking up in the morning with your eyelids stuck shut. This may be accompanied by an unusual, thick discharge. And when you look in the mirror, you see that the whites of your eyes have turned red. Pink eye also causes your eyes to itch and burn.
Immediate diagnosis and treatment is necessary as pink eye is contagious. The following are some tips on how to get rid of pink eye and prevent its spread.

What Causes Pink Eye?

Conjunctivitis, the medical term of pink eye, is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral conjunctivitis usually comes with a watery discharge. On the other hand, you can tell you have bacterial conjunctivitis if you experience a thick, yellowish discharge. Pink eye can also be caused by allergies. To combat allergens, the body produces antibodies which may lead to red or pink eyes.
You can easily get a pink eye if you make direct or indirect contact with eye secretions of an infected person.

How to Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast at Home

1. Try cool or warm compresses.
Pink eye can give you a lot of discomfort. To reduce pain and itching, you can apply a cool or warm compress to your eyes. Try both and see which one works better for you. If only one eye is infected, make sure not to touch the other eye with the same cloth you used to prevent spreading pink eye.

2. Use eyedrops.
You can use artificial tears or over-the-counter eyedrops to get rid of pink eye overnight. If your pink eye is caused by allergy, choose an eyedrop that contains antihistamines to reduce swelling and redness.

3. Stop wearing contact lenses.
Dealing with pink eye can become a little more complicated when you are wearing contact lenses. You need to stop wearing them until your pink eye is completely gone. Wearing contact lenses when you have pink eye can irritate the eyes further. If you use disposable contact lenses, you may have to throw them away and buy a new pair.
4. Use painkillers.
Over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also be used to reduce pain, inflammation and eye redness. Do not let children and teenagers take aspirin.
5. Consult your doctor.
It is best to consult your doctor upon noticing that you or your child has a pink eye. A medical expert can determine its cause and give you the necessary steps on how to get rid of pink eye fast. Pink eye can also be mistaken for another disease or eye infection. Go to your doctor immediately if pink eye comes with severe pain, blurred vision, and swelling around the eyes.

How Long Does Pink Eye Last?

The length of infection greatly depends on the cause. Viral conjunctivitis usually goes away on its own after 1-2 weeks. Bacterial pink eye typically lasts for 7-10 days, shorter if you take antibiotics. In any case, it is best to consult your doctor in order to determine the cause and learn how to treat pink eye.


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