Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Get Rid of Indigestion


Indigestion is a common problem experienced by many people usually after eating a meal. It is usually used to describe an upset stomach, commonly associated with excessive food intake. However, it is important to note that indigestion is not a disease itself. Rather, it refers to a set of symptoms which includes bloating, heartburn and nausea. You may also suffer from indigestion even if you haven’t eaten much.

Fortunately, you can get rid of indigestion just by practicing healthy lifestyle choices.

What Causes Indigestion?

Source: Ohmega1982, via
A lot of things can induce indigestion. Some of the most common causes of indigestion include overeating, eating fatty and spicy foods, eating too quickly, excessive alcohol and caffeine intake, smoking, and stress. In some cases, certain medications that upset the stomach such as aspirin and antibiotics can be the cause of indigestion. Indigestion can also be a symptom of an underlying medical disease, in which case a visit to the doctor is highly recommended.

How to Get Rid of Indigestion Fast

1. Try peppermint.

If you are looking for a home remedy for indigestion, then here’s one for you. Peppermint has been used for years to soothe an upset stomach. It helps indigestion by calming the muscles of the stomach, allowing food to pass through the stomach more quickly and easily. You can mix some peppermint with an herbal tea and drink it after each meal.

2. Use antacids.

There are also over-the-counter medications that can help you get rid of indigestion fast. Antacids work by neutralizing the acids in your stomach. Be cautious though as they can have side effects such as constipation and diarrhea.

3. Avoid triggers.

As mentioned above, a lot of things can be responsible for your indigestion. Keeping a diary where you can write the possible triggers of your indigestion can help you identify the root cause. Take note of the things you ate and the activities you did before and after eating a meal. Once you are able to determine the culprit, change the bad habit to prevent indigestion in the future.

4. Eat smaller meals.

Many cases of indigestion are due to overeating. You can get rid of indigestion simply by changing your eating habits. Instead of eating the usual three large meals, try to divide your meals into six smaller ones. This will greatly reduce the work your stomach needs to do. Also, avoid eating too fast and talking during meals. Such activities cause you to swallow air which can lead to indigestion.

5. Exercise.

You might be wondering how exercise can help treat indigestion. The answer is quite simple: Exercising regularly promotes better digestion and helps you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn leads to less pressure in your abdomen. It is recommended to exercise before eating or one hour after a meal.

6. Eliminate stress.

It may not seem likely but stress can aggravate indigestion. If you are stressed out, your body produces excess bile, which may overload the small intestine and consequently reflux back towards the stomach. Managing stress may be all you need to get rid of indigestion. It is recommended to practice relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.


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