Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of an Ear Infection

Middle Ear Infection

An ear infection is one of the most common reasons why parents bring their child to the doctor. If you notice your child tugging at their ears because of pain and complaining that they cannot hear very well, there’s a good chance that your child has an ear infection. It is important to note that an earache often refers to two types of infection, otitis externa and otitis media. This topic covers otitis media, more commonly known as middle ear infection. Read on and find out how to get rid of an ear infection at home.


What Causes an Ear Infection?

Your ears are connected to your throat through the eustachian tubes. These tubes may be blocked if you suffer from certain illnesses such as cold, the flu or allergy. This makes the tubes swell, causing fluid to get trapped inside the ear. This sets up the perfect environment for bacteria and virus to breed, which then leads to the symptoms of an ear infection. Children are more likely to suffer from an ear infection because their eustachian tubes are smaller and more horizontal, making it more difficult to drain out the fluid buildup.


How to Get Rid of an Ear Infection Fast

1. Use a warm compress.

To ease the pain, place a warm washcloth over your ear. You can also boil water then put it in a bottle and use it in a similar manner.

2. Take over-the-counter medications.

If the warm compress doesn't get the job done, consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce pain. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are two of the most recommended medications. Do not give aspirin to your child as it may cause a serious condition known as Reye’s syndrome.http://www.awltovhc.com/image-2103840-5902068http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=10&pub=5574636337&toolid=10001&campid=5335845462&customid=3568015-22000064&uq=ear+drops+-dogs+-dog+-earrings+-pearl&mpt=977180703

3. Try eardrops.

Prescription eardrops are also available to help you get rid of an ear infection fast. Make sure to follow the product label carefully. Before using eardrops for your child, consider talking with your doctor to make sure that it wouldn't have any side effect. This procedure should also be administered by a medical professional for patients under 2 years old.

4. Antibiotics.

If the ear infection is caused by bacteria, prescription antibiotics may be necessary to treat ear infection. It is imperative that you strictly follow the instructions of your doctor regarding the intake of antibiotics. Continue using the medications even after the pain is gone; otherwise the infection may come back.

5. Wait it out.

Ear infection usually heals on its own after one to two weeks. If the earache and other symptoms such as impaired hearing do not bother you, you can just wait it out until the symptoms are gone. This isn't advisable, though, if the patient is under 2 years of age or if the ear infection is accompanied by severe ear pain and a discharge of fluid from the ear.

How to Prevent an Ear Infection

·         Prevent catching colds and other illnesses. As mentioned earlier, ear infection is often experienced after suffering from other infections. It is best to teach your child to clean their hands thoroughly, avoid sharing personal items and cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.

·         Bottle-feed the proper way. Many parents make the mistake of letting their baby bottle-feed while the baby is lying down. The proper way is to hold your baby upright. This allows the milk to easily go down the throat.

·         Avoid smoke. Smoke from cigarettes can aggravate an ear infection. Staying in smoke-free environments may be just what you need to get rid of an ear infection. Even secondhand smoke may harm you and your child so stay away from cigarette smoke as much as possible.



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