Monday, October 7, 2013

How to Get Rid of Morning Sickness | Home Remedies for Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

Ask pregnant women about what trouble them the most during pregnancy and chances are they will all have the same answer: morning sickness. Morning sickness, or nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, is experienced by up to three quarters of pregnant women. And do not be fooled by its name; morning sickness can make its presence felt any time of the day. Many experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy and it gets better from there. However, there are cases when morning sickness can linger throughout pregnancy. The good news is that there are ways to relieve the discomfort and limit the occurrence of morning sickness. Read on and find out how to get rid of morning sickness.

What Causes Morning Sickness?

David Castillo Dominici, via
The exact cause of morning sickness has yet to be fully understood, but many experts believe that the extreme fluctuation of hormone levels is to blame. In particular, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen levels rise rapidly during the early stages of pregnancy and are linked to the symptoms of morning sickness such as dizziness, low blood sugar and upset stomach. Pregnant women are also more sensitive to certain odors which may trigger the gag reflex and induce vomiting.

How to Get Rid of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

1. Eat small, frequent meals.
The first thing to keep in mind when dealing with morning sickness is to make sure your stomach is never empty. Instead of eating the usual three large meals a day, spread your meals into six, smaller meals. This helps with digestion and reduces the burden on your stomach. Choose foods that are easy to digest and those that are high in protein.
2. Try ginger.
One home remedy for morning sickness that a lot of pregnant women swear by is ginger. Ginger has been known as a natural cure for an upset stomach. Be careful though as a lot of ginger ales you find in the supermarket are only artificial. You can also try steeping the ginger root in hot water to make a tea.
3. Use anti-nausea medications.
If morning sickness causes too much trouble, ask your doctor whether or not you can take anti-nausea medications. Your doctor will likely suggest vitamin B6 supplements to help get rid of morning sickness quickly. Just make sure that you talk with your doctor first before taking any medications and follow the recommended dosages very strictly.
4. Grab some crackers.
It is often suggested to pregnant women that they keep simple snacks such as crackers and dry cereal in arms reach. When you wake up in the morning, grab some crackers and nibble a little before jumping out of bed. You can also snack on crackers when you wake up in the middle of the night and feel queasy. This reduces the chances of you suffering from morning sickness when you wake up.
5. Avoid triggers.
An empty stomach isn’t the only thing that triggers morning sickness. Other common triggers include strong odors, fatty and spicy foods, and flickering lights. The triggers vary from person to person so it is best to determine which ones cause your morning sickness. Knowing these triggers may just be all you need to get rid of morning sickness.
6. Stay hydrated.
Vomiting causes you to lose much needed electrolytes. If your morning sickness comes with a lot of vomiting, drink a lot of water or sports drinks containing glucose and potassium. This helps replace the lost electrolytes. Also make sure that you drink plenty of fluid throughout the day. Do not drink too much at one time, especially before meals as this causes you to feel full and consequently eat less.
7. Be careful with prenatal vitamins.
For some pregnant women, morning sickness may be triggered by prenatal vitamins. In such a case, you may try to take your prenatal vitamins before bed or after a snack. If that doesn’t help, talk to your doctor and ask whether there are alternative vitamins you can take with a lower dose of iron, as it may be causing troubles in your digestive system.


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